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  1. What Are The Best Sleeping Positions For Shoulder Pain?

    What Are The Best Sleeping Positions For Shoulder Pain?

    The shoulders are the most mobile joint in the human body. So when you’re suffering from shoulder pain, it can be debilitating. Finding a way to rest and recuperate this area is vital. Poor sleep can impair the body's ability to heal, so you can find yourself in a catch twenty-two situation when you have an issue like a sore...
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  2. Tips for keeping cool at bedtime when it’s hot outside

    Tips for keeping cool at bedtime when it’s hot outside

    Struggling to sleep? Unusually hot weather can wreak havoc with our ability to get a good night’s rest, which can have an impact on our ability to function the following day. Ideally, a bedroom should be between 18C and 24C to enable restful sleep, so it’s not surprising that many people struggle during periods of extremely warmer weather, especially in...
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  3. Sleepy Podcasts

    Sleepy Podcasts

    Many of us struggle to get a restful night’s sleep, with a plethora of reasons keeping us up at night. For some people, it could be aches and pains, while others might be kept awake with stress, anxiety or an over-active mind.  While some simple solutions such as investing in supportive new pillows or ensuring your room is properly ventilated...
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  4. How the World Dreams

    How the World Dreams

    The most common type of dream in the world revealed The average person spends around a third of their life sleeping, and dreaming can help preserve memories, aid emotional regulation and process difficult feelings. Although there might be no meaning to the stories our minds create when our heads are on the pillows sleeping, research has shown that dreams can...
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  5. Bedtime Stories

    Bedtime Stories

    The most popular bedtime stories around the world Reading a book to your child at bedtime is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. A bedtime story helps in creating a bedtime routine for your child to wind down after a long day playing, helping them snuggle into their bedding, relax and drift off to sleep...
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  6. Around The World In Luxury Beds

    Around The World In Luxury Beds

    Which are the most expensive hotel rooms in the world?  The most important thing to consider when you’re travelling is how well you’re going to be looked after. From having your own personal concierge and complimentary drinks to sleeping under the most comfortable duvets, there’s no better way to achieve this than staying in the most luxurious hotel room you can...
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  7. Sleep Conditions

    Sleep Conditions

    The most prominent sleep conditions by country We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is incredibly important for both our physical and mental health, as it allows our bodies to recover, re-energise, and properly maintain themselves. However, many people all over the world suffer from conditions that affect the quality of their sleep. These disruptive sleep conditions come...
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  8. King Size vs Double Beds: What's the Difference?

    King Size vs Double Beds: What's the Difference?

    The perfect bed that gently yet firmly supports your body and spine makes all the difference. However, choosing the ideal bed for you can be challenging because of the many factors you must consider, such as bed size. This brings us to one of the most frequently asked questions about bed sizes: what’s the difference between king size and double...
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  9. Snoring Cities

    Snoring Cities

    The cities with the biggest snoring problem in the UK and abroad Snoring is a very common health issue that affects the quality of sleep of the snorer as well as that of their partner. Covering your ears with spare pillows often just won’t cut it, as snoring can be so disrupting at night that it can force people to sleep in...
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Items 10 to 18 of 18 total

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